Saturday, September 7, 2013

New product idea - Etched brick

Sandblasted pinehall brick with scripture.
We've been toying with an idea for a product/service that involves both of the Hawkins' shops.  The etched bricks seem to be popular as a fundraising tool for churches and municipalities that enables the organization to sell the etched brick and it's permanent placement to raise funds. At the same time, it allows the individuals to commemorate a loved one or event or just show support for the project. The end clients essentially purchase and provide some of the building materials towards the project (i.e. brick patio in an outdoor reading area or a memorial garden).

After the account signs on to the fundraiser program we provide them with a custom order form that is branded as their organization.  Their customers purchase the brick and service from them and the organization in turn submits the forms back to us.  Here at HC we typeset the individual bricks and produce the masks, then handoff to our partner organization, Brikworkz, that selects and preps the bricks and completes the etching & paint process for delivery of the final product.

Know of an organization looking to do some fundraising? This is a great opportunity to generate some funding, involve your group in a community effort and complete a project that improves your facility. In addition to that, it provides your group some history going forward and records some fond memories of the past. Contact us at HC or Brikworks with any questions regarding fundraising with etched brick and we'll do our best to get answers back for you.

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